Friday, March 27, 2009

Train ride to Mandurah

Val and I always wanted to make the trip on the new rail line to Mandurah. So , today we took my car into the city and got on the Mandurah train. Nice pleasant trip. We walked along the Mandurah foreshore. At first we thought we'd have seafood at Cicerrello's but then we saw this "gourmet bakehouse". We stopped in there and had pies. Val had a crab and fish pie and I had a fish, scallop and prawn pie. We also had a garden salad with the pies . They were OK. After for dessert we had a small scoop .... please note ... I said "small". scoop of chocolate and Val had cinnamon and ginger.

We thought that we must do this again..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Western Cardiology

Went in to see the Cardiologist at Western Cardiology situated at St. John Of God Hospital. Had to wait only 20 mins. He seems good .... with a good sense of humour as well. He took me off one tablet (Clopivas) and put me on a beta blocker which he reckoned I should have been on anyway. Then yesterday I had my pacemaker checked out. Well ! All is fine and it hasnt had to kick in at all since it was inserted. Just the stress test to do next week.
Today Val and I went for our walk in Kings Park after lunch. GOD ! It is so beautiful there. Lush green lawns that go forever. Interspersed with native shrubs and majestic gum trees of a huge variety. To cap it all .... beautiful views of our lovely Swan River.
So glad I survived. After all isnt this Heaven ?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

12 Days Home

Back home 12 days now. Feeling good ! Started going on a walk almost daily and have now built up to 3 kilometres a day. Went to visit the people at work and to see Ivan the manager to sort out sick leave etc. Looks like things havent changed much at the asylum.
Had to decide as to wether to see a Cardiologist privately or publicly. The public system left me in no doubt......
All the treatment in "public (govt.) is free. But the next appointment is 6 months away and then too they can phone last minute and say the appointment is cancelled and to come in another 2 months even. Then too I'll get a different Cardiologist each time maybe. If I go "private" the appointment is sooner ... Like I got an appointment for the first of April and a few hours later they phoned and said there had been a cancellation and if I wanted I could come in at 11am. on the 20th March ... that is 2 days away . So I took it. But the cost is about $236 a visit out of which I will get back $115. Then there is ECG's and tests which cost as well out of which I get back about half.But the visits are only once every 3 months initially, then go to every 6 months ... then to once a year .... so it's not too bad..... I'd rather pay Dr.Kale (My Indian Cardiologist) Rs. 1000. ha ha ha .

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Arrived Perth 0300 hrs on the 6th march. after nearly 4 months away. Had a great journey home on Emirates. Was met at the airport by our son Abel with Mel, sister Dorothy (carrying flowers and balloons) and dear friends Lorna and Ken.. I just slept a few hours and then stayed awake for a lovely 10 hour + sleep in my own bed.
Next day we were invited to Lorna's house for dinner ..... and what turned out to be a super surprise. She had also called lots of other friends that used to inquire about me. Just loved it. True to "Rego's Dinners" we left after 3 am. What a lovely night . Thanks Loreena & Ken.
Today (Sunday) just lounged around. Currently waiting for Christine and Russell to bring mum over.
Spoke to another pal in Sydney who has had bypass surgery and this is the second person who has warned me about phases of depression. Coming to think of it, there ARE times when I burst into tears. I wonder why this is ............