Monday, October 27, 2008

My Birthday was yesterday

Something strange is going on with the tools for this blog. I cant choose font size, colour or style. The photos below were funny too ... I couldnt arrange them the way I wanted.
Anyway, yesterday was my birthday. I didnt want to have anything but Val and I knew the Rego's always come over. Dorothy and Randy was bringing over Tina (visitor from the U.K.) so I thought ... BUGGER IT ! I am taking the day off. Good thing I did. We had a very pleasant time. Tommy, Desire and Athena came over as well. We had Panthe Kowswe (Burmese) for lunch. Lucky Val made up some Mulligatawny as well so all those who stayed back had that for dinner. Finally wound up at about 9pm. Oh Yeah ! Daylight saving started yesterday as well.

The Photos

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Finally, only the Rego's remained. I turned the music off and there was only Ken remaining .... sleeping by the fire.

Finally, only the Rego's remained. I turned the music off and there was only Ken remaining .... sleeping by the fire.

Val's Party ... a month early

Since it is going to be Val's birthday while we are in India, we decided to have a party for our friends here in Perth. Ken and Lorna as usual so sweetly came the night before. Lorna helped Val and Ken and I put up the lights. Of course our other friends helped with the cooking.

The food you see on the left was delicious ! A number of pasta dishes, salads, beef vindaloo, Christines famous korma etc etc.

Dorothy made a whole heap of pink cup cakes which was arranged upward and Val had to cut (one). The call for a speech went out but no way would Val give one. She thanked the people though.

It really was a beautiful balmy evening, but i had a couple of fires just in case... Also had marshmallows for the kids to toast and be entertained. So after dinner thats what was done. The kids loved it.

By 11 pm people started leaving. The music was turned down a tadd and we sat around the fire chatting and making jokes.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The day before yesterday my computer suddenly started playing up and I couldnt do anything ..... Oh No ! I thought. All my music .... hours of recording and all my photos since 2002 .... ALL GONE !. Last night Shawn happened by and said he would take a look. He took one look ..... "Your ENTER button is stuck said he". I laughed in joy Everything is fine now. I am still going to buy that 1Tb external hard drive tomorrow to back up all my stuff.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PRANG !!!!!!!!!!

I am a bit sore but only mildly. Glen had picked me up to go to Emma's Seafood in Northbridge to get some more sliced meat and some stir fry Korean sauce. A beautiful day, and the first day in the 30's for the season. We were rolling along Newcastle Street when suddenly this guy pulls out from a parking bay and into our path. The collision was inevitable. I braced for impact and closed my eyes. The thud and jolt was a decent one. The car stopped. I collected my senses. Glen asked if I was Ok. The car filled with acrid white smoke and I coughed and spluttered, opened the door and got out with my bags of shopping. Lucky ! All living beings were unhurt. I called Abel at home and he came and picked me up. That ended the ordinary boring day I was having. A bit of stiffness is now starting. Lets hope it dosent get worse.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fun dinner for Patricia Ann

Last night Val and I went to Frenchy's restaurant for a dinner put on by Patricia Ann's children Mark and Michelle. They had a "60's review" which consisted of a lot of Perth's top 60's entertainers. I mean they had even done concerts with Johnny O' Keef. I discovered the hit song "Pushbike Song" by the Mixtures was from Perth and the singer (cant remember his name) was part of the review. Of course, he sang "Pushbike Song". People were dancing in every available place. They even had Marylyn Monroe who sat on my knee and left some lipstick on my collar.Pity about the tattoes on her back. Then there was Tina Turner who came up and sang to me. The show gave over at about midnight and it truly was a very entertaining night.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy with small annoying bits

I continue to get ready for the trip. Typing addresses and phone numbers of people in India. By the time it was confirmed on the internet tracking that our passports with Indian Visa's were ready for collection, it was too late to go into town. No problem ! Will do it tomorrow. Called a few classmates in India re: organising to meet for the Montfort OBA in Cochin. Looked for a few photos from those years gone by and found one of myself from the early 70's . Here it is :
Finally picked up our passports from the Indian Visa Centre. OK ! So we can now leave. Bugger ! The Aussie dollar has dropped to 66 US cents.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Time for trip getting even closer

Today and now ! Just about to complete 16 hours at the asylum. Hasn't been too bad. Of course it is because I had two days off and now have another two. Yesterday bought the conversion plugs and toilet seat covers. On the Indian visa tracking site it says our passports are now on the way back to Perth. Finally finished downloading all the music I wanted onto the databank and learned how to copy photos from my camera card to it. IT IS ALL COMING TOGETHER. However one drawback. The Aussie dollar plummeted to 67 US cents.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday ... and I have to be at work in the asylum.

At the asylum this morning. But pretty good .... had bacon, eggs, toast, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms. Now all the patients are still in bed and Julia ... our confused Irish/Chinese ... fuck sake ! what the hell is she ? Is by my side right now and i am teaching her how to get a "blog" going. Just fuckin' learned myself and still learning ..... Here goes Julia ... Get your own Blog.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bruise Gallery

Dont let this scare you . It only stings for an instant then forgotton.


In August, we , the staff of Graylands and Frankland got together and played against a bunch of teenagers. It was one of the most adrenalin pumping times I've had. I advise anyone thinking about it to just do it. In Perth there are quite a few places to go to but I say .... go to a place that has natural bushland. It was so much fun that i wanted to go the next weekend as well. Does it hurt ? Of course it does. Gives a nice little bruise as the pictures show. But it is soon forgotton and after the play, I had to look in a mirror to see where I had been hit. Well ! The cowards mostly shot me in the back and arse.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Big trip around the corner

Days off today. In just over 5 weeks Val and i will be leaving for our three months vacation in India. Indian Visa's are in the process of being done. Still have to do all the finer points like buy adaptor plugs etc. In the meantime got to cope with work at the asylum and just wait , wait, wait !

How the fuck did that happen ?

I tried to write my first post and it came out in Hindi. Anyway ! Sorted that out.

बिग होलीडे अरौंद थे कार्नर